
24 season 7 Kiefer Sutherland is Jack Bauer

Before you can watch 24 season 8: The Complete Eighth Season to be out in the form of DVD and Blu-Ray, I would recommend 24 season 7 you can visit to review the material concentrated Chuan tracking difficult TV. Series on how to do a great Action movie up to this piece.

This director Howard Gordon Executive Ptoducer has written a story that makes Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) has to engage with the return of Tony Almeida (Carlos Bernard) that many people must be shocking. After several people who thought he was dead. Importantly, he returned with a major sabotage of America. A bet with life. The truth is like Jack Bauer's how we approach how to solve the problem, including the CTU team, Jack was back working again with old friends, Chloe O'Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub) and Bill Buchanan (James. Morrison) who was faced with a rival to the U.S. government corruption deeply embedded clearly stated in the House. You will need to decide to see it for 24 season 7 TV Series set this

24 Season 7 Trailer

24 Season 7 Kiefer Sutherland - Day 7

24 Season 7 - Behind The Scenes